Visit from Pastor Camilo and wife Isabelita

Pastor Rey came to our home this last Monday July the 1st, with the purpose to present their gratefulness for being a blessing to them in the work God has called them to do. This is the first time a pastor does this. He has served alongside Juselino in the area of Alto de Jesus and neighbouring villages since almost 5 yrs. Then, he was a lay person with the heart to reach out to other communities and so he did, reaching out to almost 5 areas from which two are new. Since this past April he was appointed to be the main Pastor of Alto de Jesus, giving him the authority and the freedom to develop disciples. He shared with us the need to develop workers in order to reach out to the other villages around Alto de Jesus such as Murcielago, el Guayabo and other places beyond Vigui. He already has a group of 13 disciples ranging from 12-60 yrs, as you can see age is not an issue. What he is doing is paring the young to the old, using the principle of yoking ...