Preparation Expedition to Guabal and beyond

First of all, thanks so much for your prayers. The things our Lord allowed us to experience in this preparation trip was something that we can only named as "miracle" and as I write I am praying that the Holy Spirit will help put into words what happened. As mentioned in our prayer request we had goals for this trip and praise the Lord they were almost all accomplished. Allow me to mentioned them in the order in which they were in the prayer request. Protection and good weather: God granted us the blessing that the rivers were not high, so we were able to cross them all, until we reached Guabal Saturday afternoon. We had service where the word was shared, before showing the Jesus film in Ngobe. The same night we gave the invitation for the brothers that Mateo is discipling to join us to the next village, a place we have not being before, for we wanted to explore the area, make new friends and find a person of peace, so the team coming on J...