Preparation Expedition to Guabal and beyond
First of all, thanks so much for your prayers. The things our Lord allowed us to experience in this preparation trip was something that we can only named as "miracle" and as I write I am praying that the Holy Spirit will help put into words what happened.
As mentioned in our prayer request we had goals for this trip and praise the Lord they were almost all accomplished. Allow me to mentioned them in the order in which they were in the prayer request.
- Protection and good weather: God granted us the blessing that the rivers were not high, so we were able to cross them all, until we reached Guabal Saturday afternoon. We had service where the word was shared, before showing the Jesus film in Ngobe. The same night we gave the invitation for the brothers that Mateo is discipling to join us to the next village, a place we have not being before, for we wanted to explore the area, make new friends and find a person of peace, so the team coming on July 4th will be able to send a small team for a few days and share the love of God. In order to do this we had to cross a river that is very tricky, I would say, for not anybody can cross it. Sunday early morning, we and 5 other Ngobe brothers showed up in order to join us. We set to go to the river side and decide if it was wise to cross it, brother Domingo, a man with experience not only because he is from the area but also because of his age, told us that he thought it was not wise to cross the river, but in common accord we all decided that we would never know wether we were able or not, besides the river was not so high. In few words, it did not take long before we found ourselves in danger of loosing the car because a hidden current. David instantly reacted and tried to back up but we could not. It took 8 Ngobe brothers and friends, a last desperate and sad prayer of giving up the possibility of taking the car out and one last try. Protection? Definitely yes and a miracle because 1/2 hour later the river was high. The car went to the workshop yesterday and came out today, some repairs were made but no payment to make for it is still in warranty. Praise the Lord, we are so glad. The Ngobe brothers were sad because they were so worry for the car, they said "our lives, no worry, we will go with Jesus, but the car? Is the only one we have to go beyond our areas and reach out". So our vehicle of transportation to go to Samboa will be horses and by foot.
- Coordinate for the two teams: Praise the Lord it was done. Besides the area were Mateo is working a new area has being opened with the door open to go to other areas where there are no churches. The first team will be working in Mte lirio, Barranquilla and Guabal strengthening these areas and reaching out to Samboa, a new area beyond Guabal. The second team will be working with a Pastor with whom e3 has worked before but has the heart to for missions. Two areas will be strengthened but beyond these areas are about four more with no churches there, so the purpose is to train one of these churches to go beyond and reach out to other communities seeking for the person of peace.
- Needs: In this visit one need pop out and we are praying in order to see how a transformation can start in one of these communities. The homes have no latrine, the people do their needs at the creeks, something that is totally unhealthy for the children and the elders. Some of these areas, if they do not have pipes for water use the water from the rivers opening doors for sickness. Pls help us pray in order to start a project on this. We have talk with Mateo and the community or participant families can provide wood, sand from the river and labor, so the things that need to be provided will be cement for the floor and tin for the roof, these will provide a letrine plus a place to shower. Besides this, health issues needs to be address to them. I believe this is what the Word, in Acts 2:47 says we should do or be, 47 praising God and having the goodwill of all the people. And day by day the Lord added to their number those who were being saved.
- Praise report: Our brother at Guabal have already prepared the land in order to start building the temple. The church already has about 20 adults and many children. See pict. The Church at Monte Lirio already has the land and the wood needed for post and roof. What is needed is the cement and tin for roof. One of the things we request from them is to give the man power, the sand from the river and the willingness to go further. Pls pray and see how the Lord guide you to be part in this work.
Our Lord brought us home safely and we Praise His name that we are able to give testimony of His care.
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