
Showing posts from 2014

Having favor with the people - Medical Team, August 2014

"... praising God and having the respect of all the people. And day after day the Lord kept adding to them those who were being saved."  Acts 2:47 It has being almost seven years since the last Medical Expedition to the mountains at the Ngobe mountains with e3, so when we were told about this expedition, we were thrilled but at the same time a little concern because we were not aware of the new procedures and requirements or regulations that the new government would have come up with, in reference to this kind of expedition.  So as we got prepared and received the medical team papers in order to start the process of approval from the Ministry of Health, we found that not much had change and that people at the Ministry of Health were happy to process the paper for such a trip.  They even coordinated their team to accompany us for the programed days in order to do vaccination, and this was an addition to the team.   A few days before the team arrived we recei...

Understanding Discipleship

Excerpts from Moises Vega writings and transcript by Talsidia Vega Taken from the book "Disciples are made not born" Walter A. Henrichsen Many are Christians but few are Disciples: 2 Tim 2:2 "  and what you have heard from me before many witnesses entrust to faithful men who will be able to teach others also." "...what you have heard from me..."  The importance of the person, of individuals.  When Jesus called Peter, he did not see Peter the way he was, but the end product.  The same way with every person that is called to serve, there is a great potential in each one of us. 1-  "What you have heard from me..." - talks to us of a very close relationship, a mutual trust, that comes from serving for a while together.  When Paul wrote from the prison to the Church at Filippos,  since he could not go and visit them, he was sending Timothy, his son in the faith.  What Paul meant to say was "... when Timothy ...

Going to the next Village / June News

Report from the field: This last June, our visit with a team of 12 north eagles and 7 pana eagles together with 4 mountain eagles, to the area of Monte Lirio, Barranquilla, Guabal and newly opened Qda Venado, has being one of the best. The travels, including the river crossing and the team's distribution was orchestrated by the Lord.  Our going in was done by 4x4 crossing approximately four to five rivers (two became one, and will let you know how), we arrived to Barranquilla and teams took off to their working sites.   The Barranquilla team stayed for a two day service in the area.  We worked with the women, the men and the children, the Lord even had a marriage counseling with a couple that are having problems.  Yes, even the Ngobe marriages go through hard times,  David together with the Mission Pastor and the Senior Pastor did a wonderful job, we need to go back and find out if how they are doing.   This same team was moved to Quebrada Vena...
Blessings and good morning: Yesterday we arrived from the Bible Institute (P&B Schools) very encouraged to see the faithfulness of the students to the classes.                                                                               The attendance is steady, which indicates that the Pastors and the leaders or collaborators want to learn.   They participated with the eagerness to get an answer that they could understand and for that God had good translators that jumped in the correct moment to clarify words or concepts.  Awesome. The next School will be held in Sept 5-7, since it is the middle of our rainy season, we pray that this will not be an inconvenience for the students to come. blessings, Talsy & David