Going to the next Village / June News
Report from the field:
This last June, our visit with a team of 12 north eagles and 7 pana eagles together with 4 mountain eagles, to the area of Monte Lirio, Barranquilla, Guabal and newly opened Qda Venado, has being one of the best.

The Barranquilla team stayed for a two day service in the area. We worked with the women, the men and the children, the Lord even had a marriage counseling with a couple that are having problems. Yes, even the Ngobe marriages go through hard times, David together with the Mission Pastor and the Senior Pastor did a wonderful job, we need to go back and find out if how they are doing.
Here is a short debrief from each area according to each area leader
Monte Lirio - it was wonderful, more progress since last year. Julio, the church leader, has gotten more involve in the work, William, one of Julio's disciple, has a leading gift and could be, in a near future key for the church leadership; Rosita, Julio's wife, is taking the lead with the women and is holding weekly meeting with them.
We can see how they have taken ownership, not only of the church but of the teachings, meetings etc. The Lord's supper was done, Julio was a little nervous but he joined in. It was awesome.
Monte Lirio already has a building where to meet. The wood was given by Moises Sr, and a north eagle team, the roofing was done by their own effort, Praise the Lord.

Venado - First experience doing hut to hut, two teams were formed and we were able to visit six homes. one of the things that we were not prepared to hear, was a no, as an answer to our sharing of the Gospel. Working with the kids and the women was great and the men's meeting went well too, they had questions and we are sorry our time there was too short.
Guabal - Amazing, men are stepping into leadership. Alfonso who got baptized two years ago, together with Lazarus are already leading service. They are doing church.
In one of our hut visits, a women received Christ after four visits, she said, you have come here over and over again and the story remains the same, no changes, I believe now. Mateo is doing a good job.
The Flood - Caring for each other.
The flood helped us see how they care for each other. This is how it goes.

The Church at Guabal stayed to pray and wait for news. Five hours and nothing, by this time Benito was back to Guabal and together with another brother decided that they would go and look or Lazarus. Two hour past by and the church at Guabal was still together, praying and waiting, until Benito and Daniel came back with a big smile, good news, Lazarus made it. As he saw the river change color he decided to take another route, that saved him from the flood. The Guabal church celebrated and went home.
Awesome, how they care for each other, stayed with the wife until good news came.
The materials for building the Church Temple is already on site, so this month of July they will start to put up the roof.
On a last note, the Schools supplies were given to all four schools. This is a program that is done every year with the schools and also to be able to supply any need that a worker has to supply for their kids what is needed for them to attend school.
God bless,
Talsy, David and team
"and the Lord said to Paul in the night by a vision, Do not be afraid any longer, but go on speaking and do not be silent; for I am with you, and no man will attack you in order to harm you, for I have many people in this city" Acts 18:9-10
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