Going to the next Village / June News

Report from the field: This last June, our visit with a team of 12 north eagles and 7 pana eagles together with 4 mountain eagles, to the area of Monte Lirio, Barranquilla, Guabal and newly opened Qda Venado, has being one of the best. The travels, including the river crossing and the team's distribution was orchestrated by the Lord. Our going in was done by 4x4 crossing approximately four to five rivers (two became one, and will let you know how), we arrived to Barranquilla and teams took off to their working sites. The Barranquilla team stayed for a two day service in the area. We worked with the women, the men and the children, the Lord even had a marriage counseling with a couple that are having problems. Yes, even the Ngobe marriages go through hard times, David together with the Mission Pastor and the Senior Pastor did a wonderful job, we need to go back and find out if how they are doing. This same team was moved to Quebrada Vena...