P&T Schools / IBAC (Instituto Biblico de America Central)

September 5-9, 2013
Algarrobo - Chiriqui Mountains
Panama, Central America

The module we had for this third time was "Bible Study Method and Interpretation Principles".  The School had 21 attendants including David and I, 4 were not able to attend.  
Being a long module and with its challenges, for a moment we thought it needed to be split, but Praise the Lord that going through the night the instructors were able to cover the material and finish on Sunday after breakfast. 
It became challenging but so interesting when we came to the observation of a Bible text, in order to be able to interpret and apply the lesson to ourselves before teaching it to others.  As the homework was assign t each one of us to do the observation of different texts,  it encouraged us, as we saw how the students would go late to bed and get up as early as 5 am in order to study the text into its context and be able to do a great observation.  
My dear brothers and sisters are very intelligent, they really encouraged our hearts.  At the end the instructors asked for any suggestions on how  things could be done in a better way, they had no questions or suggestion, in the contrary they had words of gratitude.
A good participation with questions and clarifications on some terms, they even were able to answer questions among themselves.
It was hilarious that we got to study Phillipians 3:14 in its immediate context and as a chapter, to see that we were using this verse for everything and anything that required extra strength and other things. But truly it means that in anything in which our Lord has allowed us to go through enables us to confront anything that is in front of us.  Simple and awesome.  
We all came to the conclusion that we need to be careful on how we study the Word, that we should not teach anything that we have not applied to our own lives first.  

You remember Simon?  Well, his family came and all of them are committed on continuing.  As I mentioned, we had some that could not come, but what a joy to see Catalino, Mateo, Federico and Lorenzo take the commitment of teaching the module to those that were not able to make it.  Most probably we will have another brother come from Bocas, one of Mateo's disciple and most probably (may the Lord make it true), the future pastor of the area where Mateo is working at.

Another thing that happened, was that many of them brought or send their first fruits in order for all of us have plenty to eat.  At the end the food that was left, was distributed among those that came from far or had family with them.

At the end, we were sooooo encourage because we could evaluate the commitment each one of them has, young and some not so young as myself and my dear brothers that are becoming older.  

There is the possibility to start another School at Mateo's place, help us pray for the Lord to guide us and raise the support for this area.

At last, I need to share this.  When Moises and I shared between ourselves the need of equipping the pastors in the mountains and the possibility to open a moving P&T School, one question pop up.  Will our brothers level of education be the same as required for understanding the teachings?  Will the modules be in a language that will enable them to participate, involve themselves in the discussions etc?  Will the instructors understand the need to go at the student's speed of understanding?  Now, I must say that perhaps we were over protecting them and underestimating our Lord's wisdom in them, I am "holy proud", if that can be said, of the performance our brothers and sisters have had during this module and I am sure they are more than able to finish the training.  
They all received a letter with the schedule for next year, so they need to make adjustments in order to attend.

Blessings and thanks for lifting the work in Panama up to the Lord.

In Him and for His glory

The Vega / Panama

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