"The Book and The Sword"

"The Book and The Sword" There was a time when time was not a problem; a place where what was impossible became possible. A place that needed order for it was in chaos, where evil and good were in constant conflict. Light fights its way through the heavy darkness that covered the land. The Sword, yes, the Sword with supernatural power within, for it has life of its own. A Sword, which becomes one with whom ever gets to hold it, with a pure heart. In this scenario our story unfolds. It is dark in town, in the year of “one day”; a family sits around the dining table with a candle lit, which gave enough light as for the father to read “The Book”. Now, this Book is not any book, the father took good care of this Book for it contained secrets, mysterious stories told in early days, but with enough power as to affect the lives of those who read it thr...