
Showing posts from February, 2016

"The Book and The Sword"

                              "The Book and The Sword" There was a time when time was not a problem; a place where what was impossible became possible. A place that needed order for it was in chaos, where evil and good were in constant conflict.  Light fights its way through the heavy darkness that covered the land. The Sword, yes, the Sword with supernatural power within, for it has life of its own.  A Sword, which becomes one with whom ever gets to hold it, with a pure heart. In this scenario our story unfolds.   It is dark in town, in the year of “one day”; a family sits around the dining table with a candle lit, which gave enough light as for the father to read “The Book”.  Now, this Book is not any book, the father took good care of this Book for it contained secrets, mysterious stories told in early days, but with enough power as to affect the lives of those who read it thr...

2015 End Year Report

VISION IN ACTION "Expecting a Miracle" 20 “My prayer is not for them alone. I pray also for those who will believe in me through their message, 21 that all of them may be one, Father, just as you are in me and I am in you. May they also be in us so that the world may believe that you have sent me.  John 17:20-23 Normally, reporting is not a natural virtue of human kind; somehow it becomes tedious to sit down and make memory of the things that took place in ones lives, specially if time is against us, pushing us back in our attempt to go against our natural behavior.  But it is necessary and some, like me, that enjoy writing, but the difficult part, is to put in words what is in our mind and heart.  For there are not enough words or languages to express my gratitude to our Lord for the things He allows us to do or not do.  Therefore, allow patience to be your companion as you read and, I pray He enables the words to put on ink my thoughts. Family: ...


8 Then your light will break out like the early morning, and you will soon be healed. Your right and good works will go before you. And the shining-greatness of the Lord will keep watch behind you. Issiah 58:8 Authentic Servant Leadership Workshop: Together with one of our disciples that through the years have become dear friends in the Lord and by our Lord's grace, we were able to impart this workshop which main purpose is to allow the Holy Spirit to develop in each one of us a servant heart in what ever level of leadership in which our Lord has us. "Learn from me, said the Lord, that I am kind and humble of heart" ,  wow what a description of oneself; can we say that of ourselves?  This was a challanging question given out to the audence and we all felt short of the standar set by our Lord.  It begins in the heart, believe it, trap it, then it goes to our mind changing our view of the word "leadership" .  An actitute that can only be develo...


Jesus saw this and was angry with the followers. He said, “Let the little childrencome to Me. Do not stop them. The holy nation of God is made up of ones like these. Mar 10:14 Llano Tugri is the capital city of the Ngobe Indian Reservation. On the 9th of January, God allowed us to take a "More of Christ Celebration" to the kids at Llano Tugri.   It took preparation from two fronts; one front was at Moises's office, where the gift bags were prepared and sent to our home, the second front was from our home at David City.  Al the food packing, generator, movie equipment, camping equipment and even some kitchen appliances were packed.  An extra 4x4 truck was rented.  In total we were around 25 in the team, including the Ngobe Pastors that came from other villages to be of help. Our meeting point was at the Tugri School on the 9th, it was awesome that we met at the entrance of the Ngobe Reservation, which...