Jesus saw this and was angry with the followers. He said, “Let the little childrencome to Me. Do not stop them. The holy nation of God is made up of ones like these. Mar 10:14

Llano Tugri is the capital city of the Ngobe Indian Reservation.

On the 9th of January, God allowed us to take a "More of Christ Celebration" to the kids at Llano Tugri.  
It took preparation from two fronts; one front was at Moises's office, where the gift bags were prepared and sent to our home, the second front was from our home at David City.  Al the food packing, generator, movie equipment, camping equipment and even some kitchen appliances were packed.  An extra 4x4 truck was rented.  In total we were around 25 in the team, including the Ngobe Pastors that came from other villages to be of help.
Our meeting point was at the Tugri School on the 9th, it was awesome that we met at the entrance of the Ngobe Reservation, which is San Felix and a 6 cars alligned started their journey of two hours up hte mountain in order to start preparing things for next morning.

As the team woke up and breakfast prepared, a devotional time took place, it was a wonderful in the Word, the verse that says "Love the Lord our God with all your heart, mind and strenght, and love your neighbour as yourself"; challenging word for we can not give to others what we do not pocess, that is God's love. 
We had breakfast and got ready for receiving the kids; as they arrived a color band was tied up around their risk according to their age so each team leader will be to identify their team member by the color assigned.

Our Lord blessed us to see 190 kids go through the different clinics organized for them (sports, Bible teaching and piñata time) before sharing lunch with them (chicken rice, drink and sweets), which was the last activity for the Celebration.

All of the kids heard a clear presentation of the Gospel and part of the activity at the Bible Teaching station was for each kid to write their name on a red paper heart and surrender them through prayer, to Jesus.  It was a sweet moment.

A second More of Christ Celebration has being programmed for the 5th of March in the village where one of our associate pastor serves the Lord, his name is Rey Camilo.  Pastor Camilo has planted 4 new churches and is in the process of starting a new one.

We deeply appreciate your prayers and know that we pray for you as well.

In Him and until He comes back again,

Talsy, Family and Team



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