"The Book and The Sword"
"The Book and The Sword"
There was a time when time was not a problem; a place where what
was impossible became possible. A place that needed order for it was in chaos,
where evil and good were in constant conflict.
Light fights its way through the heavy darkness that covered the land.
The Sword, yes, the Sword with supernatural power within, for it
has life of its own. A Sword, which
becomes one with whom ever gets to hold it, with a pure heart. In this scenario
our story unfolds.
It is dark in town, in the year of “one day”; a family sits around
the dining table with a candle lit, which gave enough light as for the father
to read “The Book”. Now, this Book is
not any book, the father took good care of this Book for it contained secrets,
mysterious stories told in early days, but with enough power as to affect the
lives of those who read it through time, even today.
This Book spoke of battles, kingdoms, and messengers from a King,
shepherds, flocks, music, love, hate, forgiveness and redemption, the past and
the future. Well, anything you needed to
know or learn could be found in this ancient Book. But this Book talked also about a special
thing, a Sword.

The time came when the King of the Everlasting Life Kingdom called
the father to join Him. For you to know, this King is an extremely good King;
He treats his people with kindness and love, does not judge for He himself is
the essence of love. So the father
gathered his family and shared with them the sad news of his departure, but at
the same time gave them hope that soon, nobody knew when, if they would remain
faithful to the Book, they would see each other again in the land of the
King. His departure day was sad but
filled with hope on the promise given.
The family continued their lives and kept on reading the Book
trying to follow everything the Book taught them, for they knew that by doing
that, not only were they pleasing the father but also the King; for the King is
the author of the Book, in fact the book talks about Him.
Beloved started to search in the Book more about the Sword; deep
in his heart he missed the father very much.
During the nights he would stay awake trying to remember everything his
father shared with him and he would fall asleep with the thoughts in his mind,
but what he did not know is that, the more he thought about those things the
deeper these thoughts would be printed in his heart and mind opening the door
to an unknown land.
Dreams are a very special place, because when your body is at rest
your spirit is not, the spirit talks to your mind and wonderful things can
happen while you sleep. Now remember, the spirit can only talk to your mind
about things you have learned or heard or perhaps seen. Even though dreamland is a wonderful place, it
can also be turned into an awful place to be; be careful of what you see, hear
or learn. Beloved visited dreamland several
times since his father departed, he saw his father many times and talked with
him in dreamland, they would sit together and chat. His father would remind Beloved about the
Sword and how to find it in the Book.
One night, in one of those visits to dreamland Beloved found
himself in a different scenario, he was not quite ready for what was about to
happen. He found himself like in a
cathedral or church, there were people in both sides of a long aisle; at the
end of the aisle was his father, holding in his hands a long and heavy Sword. As Beloved got closer, the father extended the
Sword to him; finally they were face to face and Beloved received the Sword
from his father’s hands with the following instruction “guard it with your
life”. In that moment everything and
everybody disappeared.
Suddenly the scenario changed and Beloved found himself in a city,
in his heart he felt it was an important city; there was a multitude
walking down the streets and the Sword was already attached to Beloved’s
back. As he saw the people walking he
noticed two persons that he sensed that they were not of this world, they were some
kind of evil spirits. As soon as Beloved
realized who these two creatures were, all the other people disappeared and
there were only Beloved and the two evil creatures.
One of them ran towards Beloved at an unnatural speed, trying to snatch
Beloved and take away the Sword; as they were battling Beloved would say “no,
no”. What was awkward for Beloved was
the strength this spiritual beings had, it was too overwhelming. Realizing this, Beloved called in his heart
to the King saying “King I belong to your kingdom how is it that this evil
spirits have more strength than what I have?” then in that moment Beloved felt
a powerful strength flowing through his body.
One of the evil being came close and saw a mark on Beloved and said,
“you have the mark of the King”, and this is too much for me.
The other shadow creature, with out knowing about the dialogue
going on between Beloved and the other being, threw a fiery fireball against
Beloved. In that moment, Beloved asked
the King to give him power to withstand the attack; Beloved raised his hand on
the air and a powerful wind came from behind and blew out the fireball from
Beloved hands. The two evil spirits
looked at each other and one of them said, “his trust in the King, his trust,
is what makes this power to be higher than ours”.
Suddenly, everything came back to normal; Beloved realized in his
heart that this dream was a message given through his father in a dream, from the King,
specifically for him.

The day will come when the King will call all those that have
serve Him well in order to reward them with a place in His Eternal Kingdom. Justice and love will be the Kingdom’s
banner, evil will be no more.
In the meantime Beloved will continue to have more adventures in
dreamland, that will be useful for him in a near future when he will start
taking the truth enclosed in the “Book” and teach other how to use the “Sword”
with power and wisdom as their companions.
"...and the sword of the Spirit, which is the word of God". Ephesian 6:17
Written by:
Talsidia Guhlin
ID 1-24-1084
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