Mountain Expedition (June 10-19)

North Team
It seems that this year the rains have arrived a little early, but still our Lord blessed us with a few dry days, enabling the team reach their sites safely.  
The experience the teams went through was little challenging putting to the trail the flexibility in change of plans or strategy used.  Such was the case of the team at Monte Lirio, due to

difficulties with the previous pastor that the church (group of followers at this area) requested for him to leave, the team had to impart leadership guidance to the three members plus that are at this moment leading the work, plus 12 interested youth.  Plans for a near future is to be able to start basic Bible training to those that are eager to learn.  There were 3 baptism in this area, the work with the women was hard due to the problem mentioned above, pls pray that our Lord will heal their hearts.
For years we have being praying for brother Lazarus’s wife to come to full trust in our Lord, well, we were in awe when the day before our departure she manifested her desire to be baptized, together with two more.  Her face expression changed, the Church rejoiced and they were presented to the Church in Guabal together with those from Monte Lirio and Venado and they were prayed over.
Work with the Children
Venado is another place where we are seeing God’s light shine.  The work with the children, the youth and with the women was a blessing.  We truly believe that the hope for this area are this kids and the young, they are fresh soil eager to learn.  One was baptized and he came with the team to Guabal, our departure point, in order to say “see you soon”, Agustin is his name.  We were able to see 3 Profession of Faith; Mateo and disciples are taking turns in order to follow up on this area.
We are praying for more Mateos and the only way is through making disciples.  As in Luke 10:2, we need to pray for workers, reliable men that can be entrusted in order to teach others, a ripple effect in this area fueled by the Holy Spirit through the Word.

Carefully making our way out on boats
The day of our departure was a real challenge, it rained and rained, the rivers went up and we prayed and prayed but the rain only stopped for little intervals of time.  The decision was taken and that, was to make our move out with the river level up, so a window without rain was open and we boarded the boats.  That day I thought it was going to be my last one, I prayed and confessed to the Father that I was afraid (3 of us did not know how to swim well) and He replied back saying, “you are already dead, remember? you are mine and I decide, trust just trust”.  Nothing more to say, that was it, down river we went  and He got us through safely.  Praise Jesus for His faithfulness, this work is not ours, is His, our part is to allow Him to use us.  
Helping David for departure

David could not make it out the same day we did, he had to spend the night midway, in Pueblo Mesa, until next day and wait for the river's level to come down.  Glad he made it home safely.
School Supplies for 4 schools.
Four schools were blessed with the school materials provided to each school in the four areas in which we served.  

Nothing of this could have being possible with out you, either praying or giving, we deeply appreciate your partnership in this service.  Some time soon we would love to have you down here, in the mean time our prayers and thoughts are with you.
In Him and until He comes back again.

Talsidia, David & Team
Glad to make it to the sea.


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