P&B Schools - Biblie Training - June 5-7

The Bible Institute was a blessing, we only had two pastors that were not able to attend due to the rains.  The module on the Doctrine of the Holy Spirit was an eye opening for many of the attendants.  Things that are taking place in churches and are not according to the Word.    How does the Holy Spirit dwells in us empowering us to be witnesses of the One who died for us on the cross, the same way He with the early Church.  Challenging is the issue of giving up ourselves so He will reign.
At the beginning of the module we (teachers and us) were expectant that many questions will arise, but for our surprise hardly any question came up, but they opened themselves on sharing about their experiences with other ways of worship and ministering.  Inside of me, gratefulness arose that He allowed me to witness the strong roots and clear understanding they have on the person of the Holy Ghost.   Next class in Sept.
Praise Jesus that starting last year 12 Pastoral packages were sent from Asbury Church, in order to bless the Pastors at the Bible Institute, those that are doing in obedience what our Lord has called them to do in Church Planting.

On a separate note, I was taken by surprise when I one of the class member help Irene, cook, work with the dough for the fry bread of next morning.  God changes lives from the inside out. Praise Him.!

Being a part of this is a privilege and we are blessed by having you with us.

Talsy, David

& Panama Team


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